The Government of India announced the nationwide lockdown in March 2020 in order to contain COVID-19.  The lockdown had a devastating impact on the nation’s economy, gross domestic product contracted by 23.9% year on year in the first quarter of 2020-21 forcing a large section of the population to shut down their businesses, migrant workers had to walk hundreds of kilometres by foot (which also resulted in the death of many due to exertion, shortage of drinking water and the extremely hot weather) in order to reach their villages. The pandemic impacted the livelihoods of people across India but what wasn't discussed at large was the impact it had on women. 



According to a study, women's employment is 19% more at risk than men and the gender poverty gap is expected to worsen well into 2030. The previous epidemics like Ebola(2014-16), Zika (2016) suggests that women who lost their jobs due to outbreak of such diseases are likely to remain unemployed for a longer period of time in comparison to men. Not only that, studies also suggest that women and children especially girls are at a greater risk of exploitation and sexual violence. The violence erupts due to increased amount of stress that a man encounters in times of quarantine or such difficulty and they try to release it by misbehaving with women who in turn become victims of domestic violence. But what is disgusting is the fact that men like these feel its okay to release their stress by committing a lawful crime which is also immoral. Year 2020 found a 131% increase in domestic violence complaints in May 2020 in the districts that had strictest lockdown. 




Across the globe, women earn less, save less, hold less secure jobs. They (70% women) are more likely to be employed in the informal sector which gives almost no job security, disparity in pay, they often don't even get paid sick leaves. Such women are pushed below the poverty line which makes it almost impossible for them to sustain their families and themselves, their children often die due to malnutrition at a very young age which tells us about the accessibility they have to healthcare especially in difficult times such as pregnancy. The negative impact of all this has multiplied several times due to COVID-19.

Before COVID-19, only 54% of the women were allowed to go to a nearby market alone, only 48% could visit placed outside their village or community. Now, these restrictions have grown manifold because women would require strong reasons to leave their homes which would contribute to their inability to work, run businesses or study. 




Women are also experiencing more workload in the domestic front which has increased by almost 50%. Having children and men working from home, it is expected out of women and girls to give them care and look after their needs all the time. Due to this, women have started to neglect their mental health, not giving themselves enough time to breathe. The societal norms of expecting such things from women have put them at a greater risk in terms of being unhealthy. Also, for the women who lost the male head of the family due to COVID-19, it has become extremely difficult to make both ends meet, feed their families let alone proper healthcare.


In light of all this, although the government has taken several measures to secure the livelihoods of women which includes direct monthly cash transfer, free grains, free LPG. The measures have directly benefitted women but there's still a long way to go. Its important for the government to maintain a fixed budget for women in the healthcare. It is also must to put stricter punishments for people practicing domestic violence, sexual abuse which cause mental trauma to women and girls for the rest of their lives. Many measures to decrease the gap of economic benefits between man and woman can be implemented. COVID-19  has deteriorated the life quality of women to lows beyond our imagination. Women should be kept as the central topic when drafting various policies to contain the impact of COVID-19.  



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